Funnel of Dreams Film Screening Online May 22

Funnel of Dreams film screening & talkback online with MOM: May 22nd, 7-8:30PM EST with Bonnie Silvestri. The film reflects on the global pandemic, and how families need to think about the work/home life paradigm and how Americans might improve things for a better future. The film dives into the history of motherhood, the struggle for women’s rights, and the issues related to family leave in the lives of working parents. At a time when women’s rights are under siege, the United States is the only industrialized nation not providing paid family leave. A director’s discussion will follow the screening. Please join our online community to RSVP to the Zoom.

Stay At Home – MAM, a New Art Magazine Focused on the Maternal

MAM Press Release MAM is a new art magazine focusing on artists from around the world producing work about the maternal. The first issue, “Stay At Home”, due out in June 2020 is a response by 20 artists to their experiences of working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The magazine aims to support artistsContinue reading “Stay At Home – MAM, a New Art Magazine Focused on the Maternal”

M.A.M.A. Issue 41: Featuring Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace

Bio: Michele Landel creates intensely textured and airy collages using burned, quilted, and embroidered photographs and paper to explore the themes of exposure, absence, and memory. She manually manipulates digital photographs to highlight the way images hide and filter the truth. She then sews layers of paper together to create bandages and veils and toContinue reading “M.A.M.A. Issue 41: Featuring Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace”

The End & The Beginning, Gallery Show with Sarah Irvin, NYC

Sarah Irvin, mother-artist, curator, and founder of the Artist/Parent Index, is part of a two-person show titled “The End & The Beginning” on birth and death, January 11th- February 17th at Massey Klein Gallery in New York City. # # The show features a 2400+ page sculptural book/card catalog that documents every time Irvin breastfed. Details areContinue reading “The End & The Beginning, Gallery Show with Sarah Irvin, NYC”