Childless By Choice?

Written by Annika Tornatore (Edited by M. Joy Rose) According to a recent article in Psychology Today, American mothers are challenged to balance work struggles and their home lives with increasing levels of stress. At the same time, cultural messaging about parenthood often glorifies motherhood and does not reflect the inherent conflicts between the personalContinue reading “Childless By Choice?”

When Pandemonium Hits – Caregivers Unite!

When pandemonium hits, caregivers unite! When families have to hunker down and stay put with their kids out of school, community contacts are restricted, and the workplace is disrupted, we must do everything within our power to stay positive. When healthcare concerns trump everyday freedoms, each of us must look to the future and howContinue reading “When Pandemonium Hits – Caregivers Unite!”

The Founding Mothers: Women in Herstory

This month marks the International celebration of Women’s Day (Sunday, March 8) and Women’s History Month. Both of these acknowledgments demonstrate an earnest desire to understand and honor the contributions of women. Wednesday, March 11th will mark the opening event for a new exhibit at USF, Women’s and Gender Studies Dept., curated by Martha JoyContinue reading “The Founding Mothers: Women in Herstory”

M.A.M.A. Issue 41: Featuring Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace

Bio: Michele Landel creates intensely textured and airy collages using burned, quilted, and embroidered photographs and paper to explore the themes of exposure, absence, and memory. She manually manipulates digital photographs to highlight the way images hide and filter the truth. She then sews layers of paper together to create bandages and veils and toContinue reading “M.A.M.A. Issue 41: Featuring Michele Landel and Ann E. Wallace”