Our New Year

Last year we saw so many changes. Some easy and some challenging. At the end of the year, like so many, we honor the year behind us and look forward to the year ahead!

Membership and Year-End Donation Drive – the Museum of Motherhood Needs You!

Greetings Friends – MoM wants you to be part of this significant, empowering, and impactful outreach initiative. Help MoM build on our successes with you as our partner. Now is the time for our year-end membership and donation drive. Your memberships and donations are our main source of income, keeping us free and open to the public throughout the year. Because of you, we continue to reach people from around the world with this important project.

New Team Members, Interns, Residencies, Earth Day, Submission Prizes, Oh My!

About my mother: Submit your poem or short story by April 30th for a Mothers’ Day publication with MoM on our Blog, Newsletter and Social Media. Submit via word document, 1,000-2,000 words for the short story/essay. Poems of any length. First prize is $50 for the story. Poem is $25 and the runner up gets love and publication too. Share widely, just one week left!

Young Feminists Unite

It’s Women’s History Month! This spring we have multiple projects in the works. Some are spearheaded by interns from around the world. Dr. Hannah Brockbank (England) is leading a team that includes Laura Gabrielle (USA) and Yana Sharifullina (Russia) read more below) towards the first of several online classes, we are developing and hope to be offering at MoM later this year, while Victoria Wright continues research on a breastfeeding exhibit for her final Master’s project with MoM.